Friday, November 11, 2005

Does Fresno State Belong in the Gang of Six?

Heismanpundit has a theory on college football that has caught the attention of college football bloggers. The theory stems from the idea that complex offensive schemes will be the next wave of college football dominance.

Precisely six schools have broken away from the rest of college football with their specific scheme. His "Gang of Six" theory caught the attention of the College Football Resource and has many other fans wondering why their school is not among the six. HP and CFR have been put on the defensive this year. The Gang has not done so hot in 2005 compared to their great run last year. HP has even gone so far to put one of his original six on probation for changing the offense.

Fresno State just beat the heck out of one member of the Gang and have another next week. Does Fresno State belong among the Six? There are some basic principles a team has to meet to be included in this group, but just look at number two.

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